Roliga citat

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Roliga citat

Post by nem »

Jag kunde bara inte låta bli att dela med mig av detta underbart roliga citat från

"We're seeing crazy uptime numbers now, like three months, six months. I fully expect we'll see a year of uptime when Windows Server 2003 is finished," - Jeff Stucky, senior systems engineer on the operations team. ... otnet.mspx

Dela mer er av era egna personliga favoriter. ;)
"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others."- Thomas Jefferson
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Post by gr0g »

Jack Handy har fått ur sig många roliga saker. Här är några:
It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at that man
Contrary to what most people say, the most dangerous animal in the world is not the lion or the tiger or even the elephant. It's a shark riding on an elephant's back, just trampling and eating everything they see.
One thing kids like is to be tricked. For instance, I was going to take my little nephew to Disneyland, but instead I drove him to an old burned-out warehouse. "Oh, no," I said. "Disneyland burned down." He cried and cried, but I think that deep down, he thought it was a pretty good joke. I started to drive over to the real Disneyland, but it was getting pretty late
Most people don't realize that large pieces of coral, which have been painted brown and attached to the skull by common wood screws, can make a child look like a deer.
om du läser det här är du ägd. you're in a laundry room.
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Post by Gnuet »

Bagdad-Bob va ju bara för skön :)
There are no American infidels in Baghdad. Never!
Who are in control, they are not in control of anything - they don't even control themselves!
God will roast their stomachs in hell at the hands of Iraqis.
iDon't care about your problems.
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Post by Xhargh »

"To be or not to be" Shakespeare, poet.

"To be is to do" Nietsche, filosof.

"Doo bee dee doo" Baloo, djungelbjörn.
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Post by Branstrom »

Xhargh wrote:"To be or not to be" Shakespeare, poet.

"To be is to do" Nietsche, filosof.

"Doo bee dee doo" Baloo, djungelbjörn.
Klockreen! ^^
Fredrik Bränström. Blogg + portfolio, så småningom.
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Post by Ghlargh »

"The most ovious way, be somewhere else when it happens"
Tips för att överleva kärnvapenattacker ur en informationsfilm om medecinska aspekter av kärnvapen.

"Between herpes and Aids, i don't care if i ever get laid for as long as i live" George Carlin

"Do you want your son inticed into the world of homosexuals, or your daughter lured into lesbianism"
"They tell youngsters that it's smart, it's thrilling, it provides kicks, to be a homosexual..."
Ur en informationsfilm om perversa tidskrifter och böcker

"Doh" Homer
Ghlargh ska inte hållas lagligen eller annars ansvarig om en 64bitare eller dennes utrustning dör eller skadas allvarligt efter att ha följt Ghlarghs tips, tipsen är avsedda endast som vägledning och inte som en exakt instruktion. Kan du inte, rör inte!
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Post by Pinto »

"We is the experts" Ali G
We dance to all the wrong songs
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Post by Gosman »

portugrisen wrote:"We is the experts" Ali G

"Aiiiight!" - Ali G
Gosman - Rixhack Admin
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Post by arre »

Riktigt klockren, och dessvärre sann:

"Trying is the first step towards failure" - Homer Simpson
Last edited by arre on 2003-04-27 21:56:03, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by pync »

Friedrich Nietzsche wrote:A subject for a great poet would be God's boredom after the seventh day of creation.
KarlshagaBulls från Lunarstorm wrote:Min personliga mening: Införa dödsstraff på sex förbrytare, Diktatur ger ordning och reda, Avskaffa alla andra partier och köra nationellt rakt över, Införa yttrandefrihet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...min första kärlek var kanske inte direkt så lyckad, sade hon och pratade om mig.

Senast ändrad av sin omgivning den 08:32:15 - 10/14, ändrad totalt 4 gånger
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Post by whiz »

Xhargh wrote:"To be or not to be" Shakespeare, poet.

"To be is to do" Nietsche, filosof.

"Doo bee dee doo" Baloo, djungelbjörn.
En annan variant jag snappade upp någonstans;

To be or not to be. -- Shakespeare
To do is to be. -- Nietzsche
To be is to do. -- Sartre
Do be do be do. -- Sinatra
» the empire never ended
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Post by Xhargh »

whiz wrote:
Xhargh wrote:"To be or not to be" Shakespeare, poet.

"To be is to do" Nietsche, filosof.

"Doo bee dee doo" Baloo, djungelbjörn.
En annan variant jag snappade upp någonstans;

To be or not to be. -- Shakespeare
To do is to be. -- Nietzsche
To be is to do. -- Sartre
Do be do be do. -- Sinatra
Nu kommer ju förstås den intressanta frågan för den som vill veta vem som sa vad (som tex jag)... vad sa Nietzsche egentligen?
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Post by Najze »

"De riktigt stora nötterna kommer ifrån USA". -OLW eller Estrella (?).
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Post by smorgar »

"att spela public i cs för att bli bra är som att runka för att bli stark"
Sonny: What the hell is this?
Clemenza: It's a Sicilian message. It means Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes.
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Post by lillis »

Zion wrote:
portugrisen wrote:"We is the experts" Ali G

"Aiiiight!" - Ali G
"lnk cr b8rez 2g4:" - Ali G ;D
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Post by Trigun »

Har några små roliga citat med...

Confucious say "Man who go to bed with itchy butt wake up with smelly finger."

Having sex with an ugly girl is like hacking, the next day u wont tell everybody u get in that.

With Windows 95, we were standing on the edge of a cliff. With Windows 98, we took a big step forward." -- Bill Gates
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Post by Ghlargh »

Trigun wrote:With Windows 95, we were standing on the edge of a cliff. With Windows 98, we took a big step forward." -- Bill Gates

Tyvärr låter den fake.
Ghlargh ska inte hållas lagligen eller annars ansvarig om en 64bitare eller dennes utrustning dör eller skadas allvarligt efter att ha följt Ghlarghs tips, tipsen är avsedda endast som vägledning och inte som en exakt instruktion. Kan du inte, rör inte!
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Post by elvenman »

"Arbete är tillflykten för människor som inte har något bättre att sysselsätta sig med." -- Oscar Wilde

"Den som ingenting gör, gör heller inga fel."-- Okänd

"Smärta är bara vekhet som ska ut."-- Okänd

"All I ask is a chance to prove that money can't make me happy."-- Okänd

"What I want is all of the power and none of the responsibility." -- Okänd

"It is by the fortune of God that, in this country, we have three benefits: freedom of speech, freedom of thought, and the wisdom never to use either." -- Mark Twain
Fråga smart "Den som spar han har, men inte roligt"
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Post by peking »

Ghlargh wrote:
Trigun wrote:With Windows 95, we were standing on the edge of a cliff. With Windows 98, we took a big step forward." -- Bill Gates

Tyvärr låter den fake.
den låter fake för att han säger dummare saker ;). nej jag skoja :P
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Post by Xhargh »

Trigun wrote: With Windows 95, we were standing on the edge of a cliff. With Windows 98, we took a big step forward." -- Bill Gates
Han försökte nog säga att de lyckats accelerera systemet ordentligt (9.81m/s^2)
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Post by IcePic »

-"Programming is like sex, one mistake and you'll have to support it for the
rest of your life".

-"Sex är som att spela flipper. Det gäller att veta när man ska vara hård och
när man ska spela mjukt." -"Och gör man det bra behöver man inte betala
andra gången..."
Oh give me a clone, my very own clone,
with the Y chromosome changed to X!
And since she's my own, of my own flesh and bone,
she'll be thinking of nothing but sex!
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Post by Fenix »

"I want to attract her, not dissect her" - Wesley Crusher (Star Trek TNG)
What is Odyssey5?
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Post by GUNNAR44 »

Never Underestimate the Power of Stupid People in Large Groups.

It Could Be that the Purpose of Your Life Is Only to Serve as a Warning to Others.

If You're Not A Part Of The Solution, There's Good Money To Made In Prolonging The Problem.

Fler på:

[Edit] ... och så naturligtvis min sign ... ;)
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Post by nem »

SONY wrote: Consulting
If You're Not A Part Of The Solution, There's Good Money To Made In Prolonging The Problem.
Lysande. ;)
"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others."- Thomas Jefferson
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Post by chrono »

"We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we are borrowing it from our children."

- words ascribed to David Brower.

"We need men who can dream of things that never were."

- John F. Kennedy

Jag är en fan av alla sorts citat så jag kan på direkten meddela att detta inte är mina "favoritcitat" på något vis. Men jag är förstås inte blint fäst vid citat, det skulle vara galet - eller som gamle Winston Churchill en gång sa "att läsa citatböcker är en bra syssla för en obildad människa". ;-)
"Nothing in the world is so powerful as an idea whose time has come."
- Victor Hugo
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